Source code for matchlight.feed

"""An interface for downloading and filtering Matchlight feeds."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import datetime
import io
import json
import time

import six

import matchlight.error
import matchlight.utils

if not six.PY3:
    from backports import csv
    import csv

[docs]class Feed(object): """Represents a Matchlight Data Feed. Examples: >>> ml = matchlight.Matchlight() >>> feed = ml.feeds.filter()[0] >>> feed <Feed(name="CompanyEmailAddress", recent_alerts=2)> >>> feed.details {'description': None, 'name': u'CompanyEmailAddress', 'recent_alerts_count': 2, 'start_timestamp': '2016-06-03T00:00:00', 'stop_timestamp': None} Attributes: description (:obj:`str`): Description of the feed. name (:obj:`str`): Name of the feed. recent_alerts_count (int): Number of recent alerts. start_timestamp (:class:`datetime.datetime`): Start time of the feed. stop_timestamp (:class:`datetime.datetime`): Stop time of the feed. """ def __init__(self, name, description, recent_alerts_count, start_timestamp, stop_timestamp=None): """Initializes a new Matchlight feed. Args: description (:obj:`str`): Description of the feed. name (:obj:`str`): Name of the feed. recent_alerts_count (int): Number of recent alerts. start_timestamp (:obj:`str`): ISO 8601 formatted timestamp of when feed collection began. stop_timestamp (:obj:`str`, optional): ISO 8601 formatted timestamp of when feed collection ended or will end. If not provided, the feed is assumed to never expired. """ = name self.description = description self.recent_alerts_count = recent_alerts_count self.start_timestamp = start_timestamp self.stop_timestamp = stop_timestamp @property def details(self): """:obj:`dict`: Returns the feed details as a mapping.""" return { 'name':, 'description': self.description, 'recent_alerts_count': self.recent_alerts_count, 'start_timestamp': self.start_timestamp, 'stop_timestamp': self.stop_timestamp, } @property def start(self): """:class:`datetime.datetime`: When feed data collection began.""" return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.start_timestamp) @property def end(self): # noqa: D205,D400 """:obj:`NoneType` or :class:`datetime.datetime`: If the feed has a ``stop_timestamp``, returns a datetime object. Otherwise, returns :obj:`NoneType`. """ if self.stop_timestamp: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.stop_timestamp) def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return '<Feed(name="{name}", recent_alerts={alerts})>'.format( alerts=self.recent_alerts_count,
[docs]class FeedMethods(object): """Provides methods for interfacing with the feeds API.""" def __init__(self, ml_connection): # noqa: D205,D400 """Initializes a feed interface with the given Matchlight connection. Args: ml_connection (:class:`~.Connection`): A Matchlight connection instance. """ self.conn = ml_connection
[docs] def all(self): """Returns a list of feeds associated with a Matchlight account. Returns: :obj:`list` of :class:`matchlight.Feed`: A list of feeds associated with an account. """ r = self.conn.request('/feeds') return [Feed(**feed) for feed in r.json()['feeds']]
[docs] def counts(self, feed, start_date, end_date): """Daily counts for a feed for a given date range. Args: feed (:class:`~.Feed`): A feed instance or feed name. start_date (:class:`datetime.datetime`): Start of date range. end_date (:class:`datetime.datetime`): End of date range. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Mapping of dates (``YYYY-MM-DD``) to alert counts. """ if isinstance(feed, six.string_types): feed_name = feed else: feed_name = data = { 'start_date': int(matchlight.utils.datetime_to_unix(start_date)), 'end_date': int(matchlight.utils.datetime_to_unix(end_date)), } response = self.conn.request( '/feeds/{feed_name}'.format(feed_name=feed_name), data=json.dumps(data)) return self._format_count(response.json())
[docs] def download(self, feed, start_date, end_date, save_path=None): """Downloads feed data for the given date range. Args: feed (:class:`~.Feed`): A feed instance or feed name. start_date (:class:`datetime.datetime`): Start of date range. end_date (:class:`datetime.datetime`): End of date range. save_path (:obj:`str`): Path to output file. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`: All feed hits for the given range. """ if isinstance(feed, six.string_types): feed_name = feed else: feed_name = data = { 'start_date': int(matchlight.utils.datetime_to_unix(start_date)), 'end_date': int(matchlight.utils.datetime_to_unix(end_date)), } response = self.conn.request( '/feed/{feed_name}/prepare'.format(feed_name=feed_name), data=json.dumps(data)) if response.status_code != 200: raise matchlight.error.SDKError( 'Feed failed to be generated. Please try again later.') data = {'feed_response_id': response.json().get('feed_response_id')} status = 'pending' while status == 'pending': response = self.conn.request( '/feed/{feed_name}/link'.format(feed_name=feed_name), data=json.dumps(data)) status = response.json().get('status', None) time.sleep(1) # TODO: backoff and timeout if status == 'failed': raise matchlight.error.SDKError( 'Feed failed to be generated. Please try again later.') elif status == 'ready': content = self.conn._request('GET', response.json().get('url')) else: raise matchlight.error.SDKError('An unknown error occurred.') if save_path: with, 'wb') as f: f.write(content.content) else: unicode_feed = content.content.decode('utf-8-sig') return [ self._format_feed(row) for row in csv.DictReader(unicode_feed.split('\n')) ]
def _format_count(self, counts): return { datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(k)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'): v for k, v in counts.items() } def _format_feed(self, feed_row): feed_row['ts'] = matchlight.utils.terbium_timestamp_to_datetime( feed_row['ts']) return feed_row def __iter__(self): return (item for item in self.all())