Source code for

"""An interface for searching the Matchlight fingerprints database."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

import datetime
import json

import six

import matchlight.error
import pylibfp

[docs]class SearchMethods(object): """Provides methods for interfacing with the search API.""" def __init__(self, ml_connection): # noqa: D205,D400 """Initializes a search interface with the given Matchlight connection. Args: ml_connection (:class:`~.Connection`): A Matchlight connection instance. """ self.conn = ml_connection
[docs] def search(self, query=None, email=None, ssn=None, phone=None, fingerprints=None): """Performs a Matchlight search. Provides a retrospective search capability. User can only perform one search type at time. Search type is specified using keyword arguments. Example: Search for text:: >>>"magic madness heaven sin") Search for an email address:: >>>"") Search for a social security number:: >>>"000-00-0000") Search for a phone number:: >>>"804-222-1111") Args: query (:obj:`str`, optional): A text query. email (:obj:`str`, optional): A valid email address. ssn (:obj:`str`, optional): A social security number. phone (:obj:`str`, optional): A phone number. fingerprints (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional): A sequence of Matchlight fingerprints, these will be searched as if one query. Returns: :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`: Each search result returns a score, url, ts. """ # only search for one thing at a time. if sum([1 for k in [query, fingerprints, email, ssn, phone] if k is not None]) != 1: raise matchlight.error.SDKError( 'Input Error: Must specify exactly one search type per call.') if email: fingerprints = pylibfp.fingerprints_pii_email_address(str(email)) elif phone: fingerprints = pylibfp.fingerprints_pii_phone_number(str(phone)) elif ssn: fingerprints = pylibfp.fingerprints_pii_ssn(str(ssn)) elif query: result_json = pylibfp.fingerprint( query, flags=pylibfp.OPTIONS_TILED) result = json.loads(result_json) fingerprints = result['data']['fingerprints'] # We have to convert possible lists of lists to a flat list of strings def flatten_iter(x): if not isinstance(x, list): yield(x) else: for i in x: # same as yield from flatten_iter(i) for j in flatten_iter(i): yield j data = {'fingerprints': list(flatten_iter(fingerprints))} response = self.conn.request( '/detailed_search', data=json.dumps(data), endpoint=self.conn.search_endpoint, ) try: results = response.json()['results'] except KeyError: raise matchlight.error.SDKError('Failed to get search results') for result in results: for url in result['urls']: yield { # PII Alerts are always 800, Search results on PII filds # should be as well. 'score': 800 if any( [email, ssn, phone] ) else result['score'], 'ts': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(url[0])), 'url': url[1] }